7-8 Rec Baseball
Age Group Commissioner: Brandon White (bwhite344@yahoo.com)
7-8 – Official Rules
Practice/Game Days of the Week
Monday OR Wednesday AND Saturday morning.
Each child provided with team jersey, hat and socks by program.
You must supply glove, cleats, and baseball pants (gray recommended). Additionally, a cup is required for those playing catcher.
Helmets and bats are optional but recommended: you may use team provided bat and/or helmet if you do not purchase your own.
Games Generally last 75-90 minutes; this allows for 3-4 complete innings to be played.
Kid pitch until the at bat is over. If a batter walks or strikes out, the batting team's coach pitches from his/her knee to finish the at bat. If the batter strikes out, the player gets two more pitches to try and put the ball in play. Assistant coach should be placed behind the catcher.
Batters may advance multiple bases; a play ends when the ball enters infield from the outfield or when thrown out of the playing field.
The inning ends when either three outs are recorded or the batting team scores three (4) runs (whichever comes first)
For more info see above documents.
Field Locations
Schucks Road (SR): 301 Schucks Rd, Bel Air, MD 21015
Hickory Elementary School (HES): 2100 Conowingo Rd, Bel Air, MD 21014
Hickory Park (HP): 2310 Ady Rd, Forest Hill, MD 21050
Tucker Field (TF): 630 East-West Hwy, Bel Air, MD 21014
Prospect Mill Park (PMP): 821 Prospect Mill Rd, Bel Air, MD 21015
Fountain Green Elementary School: 517 Fountain Green Rd, Bel Air, MD 21015
C Milton Wright High School: 1301 N Fountain Green Rd, Bel Air, MD 21015